
El Dr.
Dave Tanner es professor assessor del Departamento de
Kinesiolog?a de Indiana University.
compa?ero de equipo de Mark Spitz y entrenado por "Doc" Counsilman.
Competidor en varias pruebas de Ultra-Fondo: "Race
Across America", "Western States 100
Run", "Manhattan Island Marathon Swim", "Lennon Ironman" (4
veces), etc.
Experiencia en Entrenamiento de Nataci?n a todos los niveles.
Coordinador de "The Counsilman Center fot the Science of Swimming".
Especialista en
Fisiolog?a del Ejercicio y Entrenamiento Aplicado al Espacio, la
Altitud (expediciones de monta?a), la Nataci?n y los Esfuerzos de
Larga Duraci?n.
Advisor of Entrenament Esportiu Barcelona (Training Center and Training
Tanner brings in-depth knowledge of Masters swimming from
three perspectives: as a competitor, coach, and researcher. He?s been Hublot Big Bang Replica
swimming competitively since 1958 and coaching at various levels from
beginner to elite since 1973. He currently coaches at the high school
level. An exercise physiologist, his graduate work at Indiana University
included human performance research in Masters swimming. Tanner is also
active in ultra-endurance sports and is the only person to complete the
Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run, the
Race Across AMerica (RAAM), and the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim. He
lives in Bloomington, Indiana.
Education Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
Ph.D. in Human Performance (Exercise Physiology) August 2001
Emphasis in pulmonary physiology
Dissertation title: Exercise mode and ventilatory strategies
M.S. in Exercise Physiology December 1995
Thesis title: Weight and body composition changes as a function of diet during a mountaineering expedition
M.S. in Computer Science December 1983
A.B. in Mathematics and Physics May 1972
Emphasis in applied mathematics, Double major, Phi Beta Kappa
Experience Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
Counsilman Center for the Science of Swimming 2001 - Present
Director of Athletic Assessment/Research Associate
$ Responsible for the physiological testing of intercollegiate athletes
$ Conduct original research in exercise physiology
$ Maintain equipment in the IU Human Performance Lab
$ Aid students in conducting research projects
Bloomington High School North Bloomington, Indiana
Head Swimming Coach (Boys) 1998 - Present
$ Sectional Champions: 1999-2002
$ Sectional Coach of the Year: 1999, 2001, 2002
Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
Department of Kinesiology, HPER Jan 93 - Dec 99
Visiting Lecturer/Instructor
$ Statistics (T591), Exercise Science (P212)
$ Swim Training and Coaching (E221)
$ Microcomputer Applications in Physical Education (P200)
$ Numerous guest lectures in undergraduate and graduate classes
Research and the University Graduate School May 83 Aug 94
Computer Specialist
$ Database programing
$ Equipment acquisition and maintenance
$ Training and problem solving
Mathematics and Computer Science Departments Jan 81 May 83
Associate Instructor
$ Class instruction in calculus, algebra, Pascal programming, data structures
$ Associate Instructor of the Year, 1983
Monroe County YMCA Bloomington, Indiana
Swimming Instructor Sept 85 - May 97
$ Taught swim training class for adults, including daily workout plan
$ Meet director for local meets
Counsilman Swim Camp Bloomington, Indiana
Swimming Coach/Counselor 1979, 1981, 1982
$ Six-week summer stroke technique camp
$ Head coach of youngest group, 45 swimmers per week
Tri-State Tiger Sharks Evansville, Indiana
Head Swimming Coach Sept 79 - Aug 80
$ Age group team of 20 swimmers between 5 and 18 years old
$ Coached three Junior National qualifiers
Canoe Nataci?n Club Madrid, Spain
Head Swimming Coach Nov 74 - Sept 78
$ Private club with 250 swimmers, two assistant coaches
$ Developed three Olympic and World Championship team swimmers
$ Castillian Coach of the Year, 1978
Danville Country Club Danville, Illinois
Head Swimming Coach and Swimming Instructor Summer 1974
$ Summer league team of 70 swimmers and divers
Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana
Assistant Men's Swimming Coach Sept 72 - May 74
$ Assisted James E. Doc Counsilman
$ National Champions, 1968-1973
Professional Organizations
1993 - Present American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
1999 - Present American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA)
Other Activities
Indiana University Masters Swim Club Bloomington, Indiana 1981 - Present
$ Meet Director, IU Masters Spring Swimming Meet, 1992-96
$ World Champion, 200 butterfly, 1992 & 2000, World Record (50-54), 2000
$ National YMCA Champion and record holder, 200 butterfly, 1997
$ Manhattan Island Marathon Swim, 1994
Bloomington Bicycle Club Bloomington, Indiana 1979 - Present
$ Race Across AMerica, 1989; Boston-Montreal-Boston, 1990; Paris-Brest-Paris, 1991
$ Ride Across Indiana (RAIN), 1987-2001; Bike Across Missouri, 1981, 1987
Indiana Track Club Bloomington, Indiana 1985 - Present
$ Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run, 1993
$ Glacier Trail, 1992; Ice Age Trail 1993, Knobstone Trail, 1986-1993
$ Boston Marathon, 1996
Indiana University Swimming and Diving Bloomington, Indiana 1981 - 2001
$ Computer Consultant/Timer/Announcer
$ Discussed academic programs with recruits
NIH-R1 and R2 spaceflight research group Kennedy Space Center 1994, 1995
$ Birth monitor for experimental rodents
$ Worked with international team of space scientists
English Channel Swimming Coach Dover, England 1986, 1988, 1992
$ Training and management of two English Channel swimmers
Ironman Triathlon Kona, Hawaii 1984,1985,1986,1995
$ Completed approximately 40 triathlons since 1982
$ Swim course coordinator, Tri-Indiana, Lake Lemon, 1986-1988
American Youth Hostels Cape Cod, MA 1982
$ Bicycle Trip Leader, "The Salty Dog", eleven children from 14 to 18 years of age
Indiana University Swimming Team Bloomington, Indiana 1968-1972
$ Big Ten and National Champions, 1968 to 1973.
$ Participated in Big Ten, NCAA, and Olympic Trials, 1972
Boy Scouts of America Danville, Illinois 1961-1968
$ Eagle Rank, Bronze and Silver Palms, Order of the Arrow, God and Country

In memoriam Dr. David Alun Tanner by Dr. Joel Stager (original at
Indiana University website)
In memoriam Dr. David Alun Tanner by Dr. Joel Stager (pdf)
Photo Gallery (original at Indiana University website)

BLOOMINGTON, IN - APRIL 18, 2004 - Former Indiana swimmers who swam for
Doc Counsilman gathered one last time to honor Doc Counsilman, legendary
swim coach who passed away in January. Photo courtesy of James Kegley

BLOOMINGTON, IN - APRIL 18, 2004 - Former Indiana swimmers who swam for
Doc Counsilman gathered one last time to honor Doc Counsilman, legendary
swim coach who passed away in January. Photo courtesy of James Kegley

BLOOMINGTON, IN - APRIL 18, 2004 - Former Indiana swimmers who swam for
Doc Counsilman gathered one last time to honor Doc Counsilman, legendary
swim coach who passed away in January. Photo courtesy of James Kegley

BLOOMINGTON, IN - APRIL 18, 2004 - Former Indiana swimmer Dave Tanner
Photo courtesy of James Kegley

BLOOMINGTON, IN - APRIL 18, 2004 - Former Indiana swimmers who swam for
Doc Counsilman gathered one last time to honor Doc Counsilman, legendary
swim coach who passed away in January. Photo courtesy of James Kegley

BLOOMINGTON, IN - APRIL 18, 2004 - Former Indiana swimmers who swam for
Doc Counsilman gathered one last time to honor Doc Counsilman, legendary
swim coach who passed away in January. Photo courtesy of James Kegley

BLOOMINGTON, IN - APRIL 18, 2004 - Former Indiana swimmers who swam for
Doc Counsilman gathered one last time to honor Doc Counsilman, legendary
swim coach who passed away in January. Photo courtesy of James Kegley

BLOOMINGTON, IN - APRIL 18, 2004 - Former Indiana swimmer Dave Tanner
Marge (Doc Counsilman's wife)
Photo courtesy of James Kegley
